August 4, 2008

Niggas Betta Grab A Seat....

Niggas betta grab a seat, grab on your dick as this chick gets deep........

I am so pissed. I am so bewildered. I am so disappointed. I am so hurt. I am so tired. I am so confused. I am so over it.

What in the hell is going on out here? What is going through your heads? Are there really that many women out here that you don't have to give a fuck about a quality one or treat her with the respect she deserves. It amazes me that some men can be so cruel, cold, and inconsiderate of a person's feelings. I truly do not understand this type of thinking. The same men that you have welcomed into your hearts and your lives are the same ones that can walk out with no notice or reason other than they wanted to or they need to for themselves. Are you really that selfish dude? The men who you have talked to for hours, the ones who you have made a part of your everyday and the ones who have exchanged the words, I love you. OH REALLY! Do you even know what love means? Nah nigga you don't because if you did then you would know how you treat a person you love, how you respect a person you love, and how you show consideration to a person you love.

Today I am not even speaking from the pain of my own experiences because I realized a long time ago that I was never going to let anyone hurt me like I've been hurt before. I stay on my Mariah...SHAKIN EM OFF! My name is Cristi Dianne - definitely not the average chick and definitely able to recognize BULLSHIT. So today I am speaking for my sisters' stories that I have heard a thousand times and how their stories mirror many of the same things I have experienced. It doesn't matter how pretty you are, smart you are, how bangin your body is because the saying is true, "Show me a pretty woman and I will show you a man who is tired of fucking her." I had to put up my nigga shield about 6 months ago when I started to like the first guy since the love of life. My past allowed me to see that he was on the bullshit so I put it up to ward off his ass and all the other unemotional, inconsiderate, egotistical, selfish, cocky, asshole motherfuckers. So yes, I am single and lovin it cuz nine times out of men I meet are just that. A nigga is sitting back right now saying, "Oh Shit, this bitch is bitter." Negative Nigga...I am not bitter but I am a realist and unlike your lying ass, I keeps it 100. It is nothing to be mad about but it is time for y'all to fucking man up cuz if you don't want to talk to me anymore then be man enough to say it, if you wanna leave then tell me before you walk out the door, if you just want some pussy and no relationship then let me know so I can decide what I wanna do, and if you wanna play games then save that shit for a stupid bitch cuz I am not the one. Truth be told, none of us are the one - me, my friends nor the other good sisters out there who are still waiting for a black man to be their knight in shining armor. For now though, I throw my hands up....I surrender cuz this is the reality and sadly there are too many hearts breaking because of it.

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